Wonders on display: Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
February 12, 2019
Did you know that the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts on exhibit in western North America is right here in San Jose? It is! The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum has an impressive collection that includes everything from the early dynasties and new kingdoms. Enjoy a variety of cherished artifacts that includes mummies, jewelry, textiles, tools, vessels, writing materials, sculpture and so much more. It is very rare to have such an up close and personal look at such historical artifacts. You’ve seen them on tv and in the movies, but seeing the real thing for yourself is incredible. The craftsmanship is inspiring. The museum also has a wide variety of weekly workshops, night on the afterlife sleepovers, and junior archaeologist programs. When you live at The Pierce, you’ll enjoy the convenient proximity to art, history and culture. Looking for even more museums? Check out The Pierce Interactive Surroundings Map.